Thursday, April 19, 2012

Gift(s) of the Spirit

“For the one whom God sent speaks the word of God. He does not ration his gift of the Spirit.” John 3:34

Alleluia! Thank God that we’ve all been gifted somehow. Isaiah, I believe, speaks of seven gifts. St. Paul in 1 Corinthians 12 speaks of nine but whatever the number may be which is probably more than nine the beauty is that none of us have all of them. We may have more than one but even if we have been given only one we have to make the most of it and share that gift with others. Therefore if you share your unique gift with me and I share mine with yours and so forth we will all benefit in all the gifts that were given by God.  Although we are many we make up the one body of Christ.

“The way to God is an inner journey, made in the mind and heart. It’s necessary to harmonize the mind's thoughts and dispositions of the heart that man's spirit is always with the Lord, as if being connected with him. The one that fits in this way is illuminated by an inner light constantly and receives in itself the rays of the spiritual splendor.”  ~ Theophanes the Recluse

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