Monday, March 26, 2012

Hail to His Handmaid!

“May it be done to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38

These are the beautiful words spoken by the Blessed Mother when she was presented with something that the earthly mind deemed impossible. How could it be possible that she was to conceive a child without ever having contact with man? And how was it possible for her cousin Elizabeth to conceive when she was deemed sterile not to mention that she was well past the age when a woman would be able to conceive?

Mary had a choice to say “No.” In saying yes (May it be done….) she was saying “Thy will be done,” thirty odd years before Jesus used these words in the “Our Father” the prayer He taught the disciples, the same one that we continue to pray today.

“For nothing will be impossible for God.” Luke 1:37

I know that there are many impossible things that are made possible by God on a daily basis many of which we never hear about. I have found one thing that is impossible  and that is to live without God’s love.

“For to live without your love – it’s just impossible” (lyrics from the song “It’s Impossible”)

Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.
"In the written scroll it is prescribed for me,
To do your will, O my God, is my delight,
and your law is within my heart!" (Psalm 40:7-8)

Salutation Of The Blessed Virgin

Hail, holy Lady, most holy Queen, Mother of God, Mary who art ever Virgin, chosen from Heaven by the most Holy Father, whom He has consecrated with the most holy beloved Son and the Ghostly Paraclete, in whom was and is all the fullness of grace and all good. Hail thou His Palace! Hail thou His Tabernacle! Hail thou His house! Hail thou His garment! Hail thou His handmaid! Hail thou His Mother and all thy holy virtues which by the grace and illumination of the Holy Ghost thou infusest in the heart of the faithful, that from infidels ye mayest make them faithful to God.  St. Francis of Assisi

Happy feast day to all named Annunziata (f) and Nunzio (m) you should feel honored to be named after this beautiful event.

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