Thursday, March 01, 2012

AsK, SeeK, KnocK

Lent - Day 9 of the 40-day Journey

A few days ago we heard how Jesus taught his disciples to pray saying that they shouldn’t waste too many words for God knows our needs even before we ask him. That is when He taught them the Our Father. Today we hear of a triple formula; “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.”

God doesn’t want us to sulk when things seem bleak. He wants to be asked, sought out and for us to knock on his door not once but however long it takes. As a loving father, He wants to give us all that is good for us. If we don't get an answer maybe we should look at how we go about the asking, seeking and knocking.  

Do we ask for a stone when He wants to give us bread or a snake when He wants to give us fish? When we in search for Him are we looking for Jesus in His tomb as the disciples did after He was put to death or do we seek Him in the “land of the living?” When we knock on His door is it once or twice and give up when we don’t hear anyone coming to the door, or do we keep knocking maybe even pounding on it until He does answer? How about tapping on His windows or going through the roof as the friends of the paralytic did?

A story is told of a young girl who was hit by an automobile. This happened in the 1950’s. As the young girl lay in a coma her loving and distraught father went to seek his favorite and most trustworthy physician; no it wasn't a medical doctor but Padre Pio. When he found him, he wept the words, “My daughter.” Before he got a chance to go into great detail Padre Pio said to him, “Let’s pray.” The man came again the next day saying, “Padre Pio, my daughter.” Once again they prayed. With his daughter still in a coma, the man went to Padre Pio for the third day again weeping, “My daughter.” Padre Pio looked up to sky and prayed. Shortly thereafter he told the man that he should go home since his daughter is well. When the man entered the room where his daughter lay, he saw his daughter waking and greeted him with the words “Papa.”

God loves us so much that He never tires of listening to us. Just ask, seek and knock and He will give all you need.

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