Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our Father....

“In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”

These are Jesus’ instructions to his disciples as He teaches them the prayer that has been passed down to us.

Each time I pray the Our Father I find such consolation in those two words that at times in my private prayer I stop there and just contemplate on what that means to me. I guess it has a very special meaning to me since I never knew my earthly and biological father as he was taken away by a tragic accident two months before I was born.

The eternal Father I pray to is one I share with all creation and am reminded of this when I say our and not my as I begin the beautiful prayer, My first introduction to this prayer was in Italian, Padre Nostro and then Latin, Pater noster English, French, Notre Pere and Spanish, Padre nuestro. E ko makou Makua (Hawaiian) is just as beautiful. No matter what the language we all connect to that same Father who loves us unconditionally and knows all our needs before we can even speak them in whatever tongue.

It is said that St. Teresa of Avila would spend an hour on the first two words of the Our Father.

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