Saturday, January 28, 2012

Jesus and the Sheep

The following comforting words were taken from a video posted on Gloria TV. May you continue to strive to know and love Jesus more and more each day no matter what comes your way.

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“I am the good shepherd and I know My sheep, and am known by My own.” John 10:14

Jesus is calling you today by your name: Peter, John, Mary….
I know you!
I know your sins,
I know your good qualities.
I know your sincere efforts,
and also the causes of your failures and suffering.

You do not know it yet;
You do not yet know yourself so much.
I know you. I know you are wretched and miserable,
And yet I love you.

You need not tell me anything new,
I know you better than you know yourself.
I know you more than your father and mother.
And I love you more than anyone in the world.

You cannot live without love.
When you are doing something,
you seek recognition and understanding.
You do not want your effort and suffering to be in vain.
But in your life there a certain trials and disappointments
which no man can understand;
Not even you can grasp
the deep meaning of your suffering.

But I, Jesus, know you …
I know well the sense of your illness, misery and pain.
I have not stopped loving you for one second
since the creation of the world.
You are my little sheep, and remember, I am your shepherd
And I will never stop loving you.

Believe me, never! Not even when you turn away from Me.

I will never stop loving you.

Just think of how many times you left Me,
How many times you complained
that I had not fulfilled your wishes.
You did not seek the will of the Heavenly Father
but rather insisted on your own way.

Your soul clings to vanity, you fall among the thorns
of the cares of this world
And then you can no longer hear My voice
I know you, I know your fear.
Open your heart to Me:
Shared pain is half pain

I know it and I know you too.
The pain you share with Me will change not into half pain
But literally into pleasure, do you not believe?
Try it and you will see.

Yes, I love you and I know you
And now I ask you:
Do you know Me too?
Do you know Me well?

You can only love Me
Inasmuch as you know Me.
Have you taken pains to know Me, your Lord and Savior?
How much time you spend seeking
Curious, useless and harmful information.
And do you seek Me?
Do you try to know Me in the first place?

You can know Me when reading the Gospel!
But you must know personally.
Where and how?
I, Jesus, am in your heart

At the moment of baptism you entered
Into special communion with Me.
We are together.
I speak to you daily.
Never forget:

I, Jesus, know you, I love you!

I am your shepherd, and you are My sheep!


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