Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Offends Some

“And blessed is he who takes no offense at me” Luke 7:23

The end of today’s gospel reminds me of all the hullabaloo that has gone on the past few years as more and more people are offended by what appears to be a concerted effort to suppress the usage of the word Christmas. Instead of saying Merry Christmas they choose Happy Holidays and many cities invite people to come out to witness the lighting of the Holiday tree once called the Christmas tree.

On the surface it appears that the mention of Christ offends the secularists among us which seem to grow in size each year. Just look at the stir that a young quarterback by the name of Tim Tebow creates each time he thanks the Lord Jesus Christ. I’ve never seen a young man loved so much by the evangelicals and yet hated just as much by the same secularists.

This should come as no shock today for even when Jesus walked the earth and did all kinds of good there were many who took offense. How much harder is it today when Christ is invisible? Jesus himself warned us of this, “Everyone will hate you because of me.  But not a hair of your head will perish.  Stand firm, and you will win life. (Luke 21:17-19).

Let’s not get caught up on all the busyness of Christmas that we never quite make our journey to Bethlehem because we are too tired to trudge to the manger.

Let’s try to keep Christmas by welcoming Christ into our lives and by putting some time and energy into making this Christmas a time of healing, peace, and joy for those we love

Blessed are you who take no offense at Him.

Come Lord Jesus!

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