Friday, December 09, 2011

Advent Patience

Today’s Advent meditation asks me to focus on patience in order for me to see my life and world through the eyes of God.

St. Frances de Sales said to have patience with all things, but chiefly to have patience with ourselves. We are not to lose courage in considering our own imperfections, but to instantly start to remedy them – every day is a new opportunity to do so.

An English politician, Joseph Addison, wisely said that patience will eventually make us see that our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains, losses, and disappointments.

"Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake."  Victor Hugo

What then are we to do about our problems? We must learn to live with them until such time as God delivers us from them...we must pray for grace to endure them without murmuring. Problems patiently endured will work for our spiritual perfecting. They harm us only when we resist them or endure them unwillingly. ~A.W. Tozer

I used to think that I had a lot of patience but can see that in some situations it is lacking. Resistance and/or impatience causes much stress which leads to physical destruction.

Lord of Advent, may your wisdom illuminate our eyes and open our hearts to behold your presence in our midst. Help us to embrace the grace of Advent patience, that we may stop and behold your compassion and mercy in our days and transform our lives in the peace and hope of your dawning at Christmas.

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