Monday, December 10, 2012

Feeling a Loss at Christmas

Christmas can be a period of divine testing, especially for those who have lost a loved one and with this in mind we shouldn’t forget the reassurances of he who speaks to us in the name of God. Believe and hope. As Padre Pio said, “With faith and hope you will arm yourself in order to sustain the struggle in which the heavenly Father’s goodness has involved you. With faith and hope, you will not be without the sweet nectar of love, which unites us more and more to the Supreme Good.”

Please pray

Help me not to waste sufferings in rebellion and self-pity. Today, Lord, I offer you all the pains, toil, and anxieties I experience, (as well as the joys and the beauty of this lovely day) in order that, united to your work of redemption, they may benefit souls, including my own, and hasten the coming of your kingdom.

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