Friday, May 18, 2012

San Felice da Cantalice May 18

"If you do not know the way
to go to heaven,
go to Mary
with a merciful face,
who is merciful and compassionate:
she’ll teach you the way
to go to heaven. "

This little ballad was composed by San Felice da Cantalice the first Capuchin to be made saint. He lived in the turbulent 1500’s. Felice had a mystic temperament. He slept only two or three hours and the rest of the night he spent in prayer in church, which mostly was in contemplation of the mysteries of Jesus' life. in the last three decades of his life he took communion every day. On holidays he used to wander to the "Seven Churches" or by visiting the sick in various hospitals in Rome. He was an effective spiritual adviser to a humble people of the same aristocracy of Renaissance Rome.

He was very friendly with St. Philip Neri, St. Charles Borromeo and Sixtus V who enjoyed being in his company. He loved the company of children and was nicknamed “Deogratias” from his habit of saying “Thanks be to God” all the time. The canonical process to make him a saint was started immediately after his death, May 18,1587.

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