Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Saint of the Impossible - St. Rita of Cascia

I bring to you a rose today. It is a gift from God. This rose I bring to you is more than a flower, it is Saint Rita of Cascia whose feastday we joyously celebrate today. I learned about St. Rita from my mother, who has always had a great devotion to her. I’ve never found out why but can guess that like St. Rita, mom was widowed at an early age. Like St. Rita she too was married to a man who was probably not her first choice and also had the reputation of being hard-headed. I wonder if she got to know about St. Rita during the period in WWII that she got displaced from Gaeta to Perugia, the area where St. Rita came from.

From when I was a little boy I remember that there was always a picture of St. Rita in our house. No matter where my mom went that picture went with her and now hangs over her bed in the assisted living facility where she now resides. I also remember when her second oldest brother (Paolo) died how people from work had given her money as was customary among Italians. My mom was thinking of taking this money and offering a Mass or two for him but was swayed by a friend to take it and send it St. Rita of Cascia in Italy an ask that they purchase a bed in his name to be used at their orphanage.

O excellent St. Rita, worker of miracles, from thy sanctuary in Cascia, where in all thy beauty thou sleepest in peace, where thy relics exhale breaths of paradise, turn thy merciful eyes on me who suffer and weep! Thou seest my poor bleeding heart surrounded by thorns Thou seest, O dear Saint, that my eyes have no more tears to shed, so much have I wept! Weary and discouraged as I am, I feel the very prayers dying on my lips. Must I thus despair in this crisis of my life? O come, St. Rita, come to my aid and help me. Art thou not called the Saint of the Impossible, Advocate to those in despair? Then honor thy name, procuring for me from God the favor that I ask. (Here ask the favor you wish to obtain.) Everyone praises thy glories, everyone tells of the most amazing miracles performed through thee, must I alone be disappointed because thou hast not heard me? Ah no! Pray then pray for me to thy sweet Lord Jesus that He be moved to pity by my troubles and that, through thee, O good St. Rita, I may obtain what my heart so fervently desires. (Pray the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, three times.)

Those wishing to offer a novena should repeat this prayer for nine days.

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