Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Is It I, Lord?

I looked for sympathy, but there was none; for comforters, and I found none. (Psalm 69:21)

It is the last day of our Lenten journey. Tomorrow we will enter into the beautiful Easter Triduum.
Today finds us seated at table with Jesus ready to partake of a meal we now know is a farewell
meal. Jesus must be very troubled and as we start dining, He tells us that one of us at the table will betray him. This causes many to stop eating. Jesus follows this stark and disturbing announcement with a very strong reprimand, “Woe to that man….It would be better for that man if he had never been born.” The betrayer still had time to have a change of heart. There’s a buzz around the table and the following question is echoed, “Is it I, Lord?”

Today is a good day for a pit stop on our journey. How has the journey been? Has anything been different this year? Did you remain faithful in your commitment to the Lord or did you compromise your discipleship through sinful choices? Isn’t your life worth more than 30 pieces of silver? Are you in doubt and need to ask, “Is it I, Lord?”

There is still time.

Lyrics from Lord, Is it I? by Dottie West

Lord I come to Thee on bended knees
My heart is appressed by my sinfulness
Renew my strength and fate in Thee
Block out my careless deeds

Oh Lord is it I who betray Thee today
Forgive my sins wash 'em all away
My soul looks sore to Thee oh Lord
I pray oh Lord oh Lord is it
Oh Lord is it I...?

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