Thursday, April 12, 2012

Is it a Ghost, or is it Jesus?

The Good News continues today where we left off yesterday. Cleopas and his friend have returned to the Cenacle where the disciples are hiding and are telling the others about what happened on the road to Emmaus and “how Jesus had been made known to them inn the breaking of the bread.” (Luke 24:35)

As they were speaking Jesus appears in his risen body in their midst and they are startled and terrified. They think that they are seeing a ghost. Could it be that the risen body was different or did they lack faith in grasping the Resurrection? Jesus goes to great lengths to prove to them that it is He; showing them His hands and feet and even eating a piece of fish so that they can see that He is not a figment of their imagination.

If we lack the right faith in the Word of God and when the truth of revelation is not in us all we see is a ghost. Just like those first disciples, we need to have our minds opened to understand what the Laws, Psalms, and Prophets had to say about the Lord Jesus.

Father Rohr says that the risen Lord is “not limited by space or time and that is why Jesus’ body seems to be both here or there, passing through doors, visible and not visible, white light itself, everywhere and nowhere, as it were. Christ is consciousness itself pervading all things—waiting and hoping for our inner “yes”!(The Cosmic Christ)

“The risen Lord is the new Temple, the real meeting place between God and man” Pope Benedict XVI

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